How do you find minimum and maximum diameters using the closed curve function?

RT, I am trying to find the minimum and maximum diameters of a irregular closed curve in the shape of a circle/oval. Does anyone know how to do this via python code or another extension? Thanks!

Have you already extracted the centerline and computed the radius values?

I may be wrong, but I understand that @Trex48 is asking for metrics of a closed curve like in the below image, i.e, with respect to the center of an irregular closed curve. The latter can be more complex; perhaps the very notion of minimum and maximum diameters is not valid. Now I may have badly understood @Trex48.

Thank you both.

I am simply trying to find the minimum and maximum diameter of a closed curve that has all of its points in the same plane.

Like for this irregular oval shape that I have below. I was able to find a python code to find its surface area but not the minimum and maximum diameter. This is why I am seeking help here. Thanks again.

There are dozens of definition of minimum/maximum diameter for a closed curve. Would you like to use side length of oriented bounding box, diameters of best-fit ellipse, diameter of minimum inscribed/minimum circumsribed circle,…? Or min/max axis length across the centroid? Do the axes have to be orthogonal?

Which one do you need to compute?

It would be min/max diameter across the centroid, and the axes would have to be perpendicular to each other.

Thanks! Sorry I was not clear with this.

This would be an overconstrained specification (there is no solution except very special cases). If the axes must be orthogonal then you need to specify a different criteria (e.g., axes of best fit ellipse).

I see. Thank you, I will go back and rethink about my criteria. I appreciate your insights on this.

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i also need to know how to get this

look at PCA, Principal component analysis.