How to export voxel intensity

Probably the simplest would be to get the volume as a numpy array and then write out the voxel indices and values you are interested in. Something like this (this outputs all voxels that has value >260):

import numpy as np
voxelArray = slicer.util.arrayFromVolume(getNode('MRHead'))
indices = np.where(voxelArray>260)
numberOfVoxels = len(indices[0])
for pointIndex in range(numberOfVoxels):
  i = indices[0][pointIndex]
  j = indices[1][pointIndex]
  k = indices[2][pointIndex]
  print("%d %d %d %d" % (i, j, k, voxelArray[i,j,k]))

See some more examples in the script repository:

If you need physical (RAS) coordinates instead of voxel coordinates (IJK) then you have to multiply the (x,y,z,1) vector from the left with the volume’s IJKToRAS matrix.