How to fix "Error occured during ITK connversion" Error


I tend to compare contours from 2 Rt structure files from pinnacle using Segment comparison tool. When i loaded the the files and computed similarity matrix i got a error stating ‘Error occurred during ITK connversion’. How to fix it. Am i doing something stupid? Any help?

Can you please show us the log? There must be another error that tells us why conversion failed.

Hi everyone.

I am getting the same error. The log message is the following:

GetBinaryLabelmapRepresentation: No binary labelmap representation in segment

GetInputSegmentsAsPlmVolumes: Failed to get binary labelmap from reference segment: CTV1 30 4D

ComputeHausdorffDistances: Error occurred during ITK conversion

I would appreciate some help. Thank you!

Hi Did you find a solution yet? I get the exact same error.

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Following…I get the same error as well …

I get the same error as well …

Segment comparison requires labelmap representation. You can create this labelmap representation in Segmentations module:


I’ve submitted an issue to SlicerRT that the behavior should be more intuitive:

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