I am writing a Python script and encountered a problem recently. I want to save a specific component’s data through MRMLTextnode. However, I need to update and write them into the MRMLTextnode before users open the save dialog.
Is there a way to observe the Save Scene and Unsaved Data button event?
Hi, I added this module to my code, but it doesn’t seem to work. When I click the save button, there is no output in the console. Should I register it?
import os
import vtk
import slicer, qt
from slicer.ScriptedLoadableModule import *
from slicer.util import VTKObservationMixin
class MyModuleFileDialog ():
"""This specially named class is detected by the scripted loadable
module and is the target for optional drag and drop operations.
See: Base/QTGUI/qSlicerScriptedFileDialog.h.
This class is used for overriding default scene save dialog
with simple saving the scene without asking anything.
def __init__(self,qSlicerFileDialog ):
self.qSlicerFileDialog = qSlicerFileDialog
qSlicerFileDialog.fileType = "NoFile"
qSlicerFileDialog.description = "Save scene"
qSlicerFileDialog.action = slicer.qSlicerFileDialog.Write
def execDialog(self):
# Implement custom scene save operation here.
# Return True if saving completed successfully,
# return False if saving was cancelled.
return True
# BCMaker