How to perform US MRI/CT registration?

I want to perform registration from US to CT or MRI. The ants, elastix, and brains algorithms can perform registration from 3D to 3D. But if I want to perform registration from 2D US to 3D CT/MRI, is there any way in Slicer? Or can it be achieved through code?

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I donā€™t have a good solution for this registration task.

But I used your question as a test for the AI plugin to discourse. It would be interesting to know if people think the result is helpful.

I think the AI answer is pretty good. Iā€™m not an expert in 2D-3D segmentation, but would have answered something similar if I had considered myself the best person to answer (which I didnā€™t so passed the opportunity to other, smarter people).

Unfortunately there is no clear solution, or any finished project Iā€™m aware of. Making a 3D volume from the slice is an idea that did crossed my mind, but I donā€™t think it would work. However, itā€™s just a hunch, based on my knowledge about the BRAINS and Elastix extensions, so itā€™s worth a try. What I think that means is making a ā€œthickerā€ slice, maybe 3 or 5 adjacent slices of that US image, make sure the area out of the fan is masked out, and run the registration in the two modules I mention above.

Maybe this article with help you with some ideas:
Behnami, D., Sedghi, A., Anas, E.M.A. et al. Model-based registration of preprocedure MR and intraprocedure US of the lumbar spine. Int J CARS 12 , 973ā€“982 (2017). Model-based registration of preprocedure MR and intraprocedure US of the lumbar spine | International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery

I meet the same problem, US is arbitrarily section without pose informationļ¼Œ do you have resolve this problem?