How to replace the annotation fiducial placement widget with the plane fiducial widget in AIAA


I would like to know how to replace the annotation fiducial placement widget with the plane fiducial widget in AIAA.

In qt windows, for some reasons, the widget is marked as ‘Break Layout’.

In .ui file, I believe row #151 - 160 represents the widget.

                <item row="1" column="1">
                    <widget class="qSlicerMarkupsPlaceWidget" name="annotationFiducialPlacementWidget">
                        <property name="buttonsVisible">
                        <property name="placeMultipleMarkups">

so my questions are

  1. Why is the widget in qt window marked as ‘Break Layout’?
  2. How can I replace the widget with plane fiducial?

Thank you for your help in advance!