Hello, I failed to select python interpreter in Slicer on VSCode. The system is MacOS 13.4. I also tried other IDE but no success. However, I can run python script by python interpreter in Slicer from Terminal.
Here is the error information:
[error] [Error: Command failed: /Applications/Slicer.app/Contents/bin/PythonSlicer -I /Users/admin/.vscode/extensions/ms-python.python-2023.8.0/pythonFiles/get_output_via_markers.py /Users/admin/.vscode/extensions/ms-python.python-2023.8.0/pythonFiles/interpreterInfo.py
error: Application is NOT executable [/Applications/Slicer.app/Contents/bin/./python-real]
PythonSlicer [options]
--launcher-help Display help
--launcher-version Show launcher version information
--launcher-verbose Verbose mode
--launch Specify the application to launch
--launcher-detach Launcher will NOT wait for the application to finish
--launcher-no-splash Hide launcher splash
--launcher-timeout Specify the time in second before the launcher kills the application. -1 means no timeout (default: -1)
--launcher-load-environment Specify the saved environment to load.
--launcher-dump-environment Launcher will print environment variables to be set, then exit
--launcher-show-set-environment-commands Launcher will print commands suitable for setting the parent environment (i.e. using 'eval' in a POSIX shell), then exit
--launcher-additional-settings Additional settings file to consider
--launcher-additional-settings-exclude-groups Comma separated list of settings groups that should NOT be overwritten by values in User and Additional settings. For example: General,Application,ExtraApplicationToLaunch
--launcher-ignore-user-additional-settings Ignore additional user settings
--launcher-generate-exec-wrapper-script Generate executable wrapper script allowing to set the environment
--launcher-generate-template Generate an example of setting file
at ChildProcess.exithandler (node:child_process:409:12)
at ChildProcess.emit (node:events:513:28)
at maybeClose (node:internal/child_process:1112:16)
at ChildProcess._handle.onexit (node:internal/child_process:304:5)] {
code: 1,
killed: false,
signal: null,
cmd: '/Applications/Slicer.app/Contents/bin/PythonSlicer -I /Users/admin/.vscode/extensions/ms-python.python-2023.8.0/pythonFiles/get_output_via_markers.py /Users/admin/.vscode/extensions/ms-python.python-2023.8.0/pythonFiles/interpreterInfo.py'