@rbumm Thank you for answering my question.
I simply wanted to compare brain tumor extraction results using Segment Editor(Grow from Seeds) and NVIDIA AIAA using clinical DICOM data as shown in the figure below.
So I first extracted the brain tumor using NVIDIA AIAA. However, there was a brain tumor that NVIDIA could not extract, so I posted a question on the 3D-Slicer Forum.
When I extract brain tumor using Segment Editor(Grow from Seeds), brain tumor extracts well.
but I should compare Segment Editor and NVIDIA AIAA(other AIAA).
First image is to use option of Auto-Segmentation in NVIDIA AIAA.
Second image is to use option of Segment from boundary point(DExtr3D).
@pieper mentioned MONAI Label to solve my problem.
So, I had tried to run MONAI Label for extracting brain tumor.
Although you have helped a lot, it is not easy to extract brain tumor of the figure above using MONAI Label.
I don’t have to use the MONAI Label to extract brain tumor.
I should extract brain tumor using AIAA method such as pre-trained Auto Segmentation or Segment from boundary point(DExtr3D) included in NVIDIA AIAA.
If brain tumor of above figure don’t extract using pre-trained Auto Segmentation or DeeEdit/DeepGrow included in MONAI Label, can you suggest alterative other AIAA method?
I should compare Segment Editor module and NVIDIA AIAA(or other AIAA) module after extracting brain tumor of figure above.