How to stitch together two sets of CT slices to make one file

Thanks for the update, it seems we are making progress! Also thanks for changing the title.

Stitching the volumes is possible, but it won’t be trivial. I imagine the major steps will be these:

  1. Make sure the two volumes align. If showing them together (set one as background, the other as foreground with 50% opacity) shows overlap, or the two parts are otherwise do not align, then a transform needs to be created to make them align perfectly (create linear transform in Transforms module, set it to one of the volumes, and tweak the transform until alignment is reached)
  2. Resample the volumes to a common frame of reference. Need to create an empty volume that spans both images, ideally in a way that the voxels do not need to be interpolated. I’d try to do this with the Crop Volume module, but I’m not sure that a ROI larger than the cropped image is handled. Then both volumes need to be resampled to this common frame of reference with Resample Image (BRAINS).
  3. Add the two volumes together with Add Scalar Volumes

The exact details of these steps will need to be figured out. Let us know how it goes.