Import file dicom in Python Pyradiomics

I want to import 1 patient CT dicom image file (about 100+ images) into python pyrradiomics for feature extraction. How can I use the code? hope the helping.

You can script that, like in these examples, then use pyradiomics/SlicerRadiomics.

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I am getting error when using this code on Python 3.6.4, I am importing CT data for feature extraction using the Python Pyradiomics library package. Is there any way to use it?
The purpose I need to import a patient’s CT DICOM data file into Python and extract features using the Pyradiomics library package.
Hope for a help.

Pyradiomics in native python does not support dicom directly (not all sets of dicom files will map to a volumetric image) instead it needs a nrrd or nifti of a volume. The Slicer example code I linked only works in Slicer’s python, so you can use that to determine the right volume data from your CT dicom files. Then you can use pyradomics.