Hi all. I used the geomorph2slicermorph2 command in the SlicerMorphR package to load the results of a gpa and pca with sliding landmarks from geomorph into 3D Slicer. I would like to use some of the visualisation options here, but I can’t figure out how to get a covariates file in under the GPA module of SlicerMorph. I tried putting one called covariates.csv into the same outputs folder from R, but Slicer does not seem to read it. Is there another way to put covariates in? The button to “Generate new covariate table template” is grayed out, and if I load a file under “Select covariates table”, nothing happens - for example, under the Explore Data/Results tab for PCA Scatter Plot Options, nothing is shown under Select factor.
Thank you for any help,