Installing extensions in binary distribution of Slicer

Ah, yes, I recall there’s a bug with -h getting grabbed by the launcher, but other args should work.

Maybe you can add suggestions for your use case to this issue:

This post may answer your question:

Also not that if you don’t need to run the application (e.g., just run Python CLI modules) then you may be able to run Python scripts using PythonSlicer executable.

Hi all,

I would like to share a solution to the above problem I figured–in @jcfr’s suggestion, if I change the last line to:

AdditionalPaths=${additional_module_paths} ${launcher} --launcher-additional-settings ${slicer_revision_user_settings}

it goes away. As you can see, the trick is to move the additional paths from end to front.

For what it’s worth, I am no longer in python-real. I needed to launch a module from SlicerDMRI:

AdditionalPaths=${additional_module_paths} ${launcher} --launcher-additional-settings ${slicer_revision_user_settings} --launch .config/NA-MIC/Extensions-28257/SlicerDMRI/lib/Slicer-4.10/cli-modules/FiberTractMeasurements --help

Lastly, to echo Andras’ suggestion, I think I am better off building an independent Slicer in future.


I have a similar question to this post. I want to make a minor modification to a Slicer Extension for another lab member to use. Is the best approach to build everything in a docker and package the extension modification? something like:

as long as the group all have a similar linux environment on a local machine should be ok?

I would recommend to send a pull request to the extension’s repository. Then not only that lab member but all other users can benefit from the change.

In general, “similar” build environment is not sufficient for achieving binary compatibility, but you can try and it may or may not work. To ensure binary compatibility, you need to have the exact same build environment, which is the easiest to achieve if you build on the same computer (physical or virtual machine or container).

thank you. i’ll try both. the modification is very much a hack that breaks other functionality a user might want. I need to give it some thought how to not break existing the calculation.