Interest to create Flatpak for 3D Slicer, have issue with GUISupportQtOpenGL not found

From worse to better:

  1. AppImages: “fail in everything they set out to do” → Don’t use them.
  • Linux apps running everywhere → They don’t
  • Easy to install apps as in Windows or Mac → They are not.
  • Provide applications without the need to ‘get into a distribution’ or ‘build for a different distributions’ → Practically, you need to learn every distro and build one.
  1. Snaps → Practically confined to Canonical ecosystems.
  • Still very limited to Ubuntu ecosystem (won’t deliver confinement in most Linux distributions).

  • Very dependent of Canonical. There is a pricing model for serious delivery of apps and there is no open-source delivery option (open format, but not open delivery).

  1. Flatpak → The only option ready for primetime
  • Reasonable isolation model. The client is easy to integrate in any Linux distribution

  • Translates licensing and dependencies freedom and responsibility to the packagers

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