Issue with Visualizing 3D Movie After Converting Raw DICOM to Cartesian DICOM in 3D Slice

I came across information on converting 3D TEE data from raw DICOM to Cartesian DICOM using GE software. I am currently trying to achieve this and would greatly appreciate your insights.

First, I downloaded SlicerHeart in the 3D Slicer 5.9 software.
I then requested access to the Image3dAPI from GE and installed it on my Windows machine. Specifically, I unzipped the downloaded file and copied the bin64 folder of GE_CVUS_Loader-3.39.3 into the bin folder of 3D Slicer 5.9.

Next, I successfully ran the following command with administrative privileges to register the loader DLL in the Windows registry:

regsvr32 Image3dLoaderGe.dll

After that, in the Python console of 3D Slicer, I ran the following code:

import comtypes.client

    loader = comtypes.client.CreateObject("GEHC_CARD_US.Image3dFileLoader")
    print("Loader object created successfully!")
except Exception as e:
    print(f"Failed to create loader object: {e}")

The loader object was created successfully.

Then, the 3D movie is the only one that not appear:

Despite everything working so far, the 3D movie does not appear in 3D Slicer.
However, if I upload the same file in other software like EchoPac or MicroDicom, it works properly.

Has anyone encountered this issue before? Is there an additional step required to visualize the 3D movie in 3D Slicer?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

To provide more context, here is the link to the raw DICOM data (downloaded from EchoPac) I am trying to load:

Everything looks good. You have loaded the 3D volume successfully! The easiest way to show this in 3D is to go to Data module and drag-and-drop the image volume into the 3D view. You can get even nicer results if you use the Echo volume render module of SliceHeart.

Echo volume rendering settings:

Echo Volume rendering video:

Microdicom and other basic viewers just replay the screenshots of the rendering. That looks nice but has very limited use, because you cannot rotate the view, you cannot do any measurements, analysis, 3D segmentation, etc. The screenshots look like this:

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Thanks so much! It is working properly now

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