Operating system: Windows 10
Slicer version: 4.10.1 and 4.10.2
Hi all,
I want to increase the resolution of CT scans in the crop volume module. I have cropped the original scan with my selected ROI and I haven’t applied any interpolation (let’s call this volume as the “cropped scan”). I am trying to increase the resolution of the cropped scan. So, I have the cropped scan as input and I use the “Spacing scale” of 0.25. The problem is that after pressing “apply” everything seems normal but when I checked the scan’s resolution in the “Data” module, I realized that the output scan has exactly the same dimension and spacing as the cropped scan. I have checked the spacing scale of 0.5 and it works fine. This means that I cannot increase the resolution with a spacing scale of less than 0.5. Would you please let me know why I face such a problem and how I can fix it? I have tried the same procedure on two different PCs and I see the same behavior on both.