loadable Module not loading .json file into combo box correctly

Operating system: Mint 18
Slicer version: 4.8
Expected behavior: A list of data in the combo box should be exhibited
Actual behavior: Nothing is displayed.

Hi everyone, i am new here and i am having a problem third party slicer extension called SEEG-Assistant, and i would appreciate any help with that.

I am working with a loadable module for electrodes segmentation through fiducial marks.
Those Fiducial markers should be loaded and displayed by the module automatically, but that doesn’t happen.
I am not really sure that the provided instructions in the original code is right or is enough for that.
i am sending parts of the code with the related configurations, github link for the original code, and print screen of the module interface.

Full code link

Thank you!

relevant code parts

 #### Configure Segmentation - Section
    ### Read from files the list of the modules
    with open(slicer.modules.ContactPositionEstimatorInstance.electrodeTypesPath) as data_file:
        # models is a dictionary with the name of electrode type is the key
        self.models = json.load(data_file)

    #### Create the caption table for the configuration
    self.tableCaption = ["Name", "Type/Model", "TP", "cEP"]
    self.tableHsize = [80, 180, 50, 50]
    self.captionGB = qt.QGroupBox(self.segmentationCB)
    self.captionBL = qt.QHBoxLayout(self.captionGB)
    for i in (xrange(len(self.tableCaption))):
        a = qt.QLabel(self.tableCaption[i], self.captionGB)
        a.setStyleSheet("qproperty-alignment: AlignCenter;")

    self.segmentationFL.addRow("", self.captionGB)
    self.electrodeList = []



I had a look at the code and it seems that first you need to specify markup points and set name of entry and target points to have the exact same name:


Then in Contact position estimator module, select the markup list in the “Fiducial list” selector:


For further questions, I would recommend to contact the developers of this extension. If they are not available, you can attach a debugger and run the code step by step to see how exactly it works.