In fsleyes
I can load data from the terminal:
fsleyes img1.nii.gz img2.nii.gz
Can I do a similar thing with Slicer? I am asking because it is a little difficult to navigate to my required directory from within the GUI.
In fsleyes
I can load data from the terminal:
fsleyes img1.nii.gz img2.nii.gz
Can I do a similar thing with Slicer? I am asking because it is a little difficult to navigate to my required directory from within the GUI.
3 posts were split to a new topic: Using native file dialog for selecting files and folders
A post was merged into an existing topic: Using native file dialog for selecting files and folders
Dear @tbillah
When you run your Slicer executable you can pass a python code to load the data during start time. something like the following
Slicer.exe --python-code "slicer.util.loadVolume('/full/path/to/img1.nii.gz')
Slicer.exe /full/path/to/img1.nii.gz
Also, you can do something similar from within the Slicer application using the python terminal
You might want to refer the Script repository for more information
I usually drag-and-drop data into the application window and hit Enter to open it. Do you have any suggestion how to make opening a file easier?
Andient, this is amazing. I have been able to load multiple images from the terminal even with relative paths.
Thanks, I forgot the drag and drop feature. Andinet’s command line suggestion is the best for me. I don’t have anymore suggestion.