Loading stopped at AutoStru

I cannot load pation DICOM files into 3D Slicer, independent od AdvanceMode is checked. .
I use version 4.10.2
The loading process will stopped at AutoStru.
Could someone help me?

Please use latest Slicer Preview Release and install SlicerRT extension. Let us know if you still have trouble loading the data.

Hi Eyck,
Please see what I wrote you in email. The answer is there. You need to uncheck Advanced because the way you set up the loadables the Scalar Volume plugin tries to load the structure set instead of RT, and it fails because of that.
Also make sure you use a Slicer preview version.

Thank you!
Where can I get the latest Version?
The latest Version, I found, is 4.10.2.

Many thanks
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Dr.rer.nat. Eyck Blank


Thank you, Mr. Lasso,
I have installed the Version 4.11.0, I had found.
This Version stopped the loading process at the structures too.
Mr. Pinter told me about the Version 4.12, I have not found unfortunately.
Can I get the possibility to install Version 4.12 anymore?

Many thanks to you!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Dr.rer.nat. Eyck Blank

Of corse, I have installed SlicerRT

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Dr.rer.nat. Eyck Blank