Maintenance of, and planned for March 9th 2023 - 6:00pm to 7:00pm ET

The following system will be temporarily unavailable while system updates are deployed on the corresponding virtual machines.

Server Description Site allowing to download preview and stable application packages Testing server to help with development of the download site Slicer packages backend implementing REST API service (built on Girder) for managing Slicer application and extension packages Slicer extensions legacy web application to allow older Slicer releases to install extensions through the extensions manager

If you have any question, or a critical task to perform at this specific time that would require postponing this update, please reach out.

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Update: Maintenance of the servers has been initiated and you should expect downtime within the next 2 hours.

We will follow up when complete.

Update: Maintenance has been completed, let us know if you notice anything out of the ordinary.

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