MALPACA only runs on the first target model.

Hi. I am trying to run MALPACA using 7 templates that I chose (not using the “template selection”). I tried to run the module on a folder containing 60 models. When I run MALPACA it only runs on the first model and stops after that. I tried with two target models and 3,4 … until 15 but it does exactly the same. I get 7 files on the “individualEstimates” (as I have 7 templates) and nothing else. Furthermore, when I run only 1 model with 7 templates I do not get any file in the “medianEstimates” folder.
On the other hand, I get around 3 or 4 individualEstimates with all the landmarks in the same position, I mean, all of them on top of each other, so I cannot use those files to calculate (in excel) the median of the estimates.

I installed the last 3Dslicer version 5.0.3, updated everything in my laptop.
Thanks :slight_smile: