My mark up script is placing mark up control points inaccurately when loaded at a later point: I am creating a mark up script by placing markup control points manually, then saving the mark up script as a json file. Later, when I drag and drop the mark up json file back into Slicer, the control point RAS values have changed positive/negative values, resulting in mark up fiducial points which are no longer co-registered to the original MRI.
Here is an example of the correctly positioned mark up script which I save as a JSON file:
{“@schema”: “”,
“markups”: [{“type”: “Fiducial”, “coordinateSystem”: “LPS”, “controlPoints”: [
{ “label”: “A”, “position”: [ -13.225200 , 328.873000 , 589.979000 ]},
{ “label”: “A1”, “position”: [ -5.954760 , 166.782000 , 581.928000 ]}
However the markup file when later drag and dropped into Slicer inverts the +/- values, giving positions as following. The position values are the same, but the +/- have been inverted:
{ “label”: “A”, “position”: [ 13.225200 , -328.873000 , 589.979000 ]},
{ “label”: “A1”, “position”: [ 5.954760 , -166.782000 , 581.928000 ]}
Can anyone please let me know what I am doing wrong?
Thanks in advance.