Markups toolbar complexity for simple tasks

Linking this thread below which began the discussion about how to improve knowledge of whether a new markups node was created or new control point added to a markups node.


  • It was confusing if you “place a fiducial” if that means you are placing a node or placing a control point for a node because the vtkMRMLMarkupsFiducialNode is a list of control points.
  • Some issues brought up included the overall size of an updated markups related toolbar as the default state is what users will use first and will not bother to customize. Space concerns started the topic of how best to support more multi-module functionality availability at the same time. This includes how to have more Markups module functionality availability at the same time of using another module. Ribbon interface was mentioned.

^ This topic is similar to what @pieper mentioned in a weekly hangout about how best to support multi module use cases when space concerns are being brought up. The markups toolbar with a node selector uses more space. It is trying to add Markups module functionality to the toolbar as a solution to support that Markups functionality while actively in another module. Will this spark more modules to just add their functionality in a toolbar as a solution for multi-module workflows?

A lot of the vtkMRMLMarkupsFiducialNode use cases are paired with other modules for landmarking purposes. So a multi-module solution of functionality is needed. However vtkMRMLMarkupsLineNode is primarily a single module workflow as the distance measurement is provided by the markups module and can be manipulated in the slice views without a real need of viewing the module.