To blank out everything outside a segment, install SegmentEditorExtraEffects extension, then use “Mask volume” effect.
If you attach a position tracker to the ultrasound probe (can be as simple as a webcam if you don’t require high accuracy) then you can set up real-time tracked image acquisition as shown in the youtube video that you referenced above.
So now, once I have created this “Crop Volume ROI” , is there anyway to save together with the mask, and load it again? Because I have been trying to export it as a .acsv but I don’t know how to get it back in when I reset slicer.
Also, it could be good to remove those black corners, to just display the ultrasound image. Because if I reduce the ROI I’ll be missing information.
I’ll do the real-time tracked next weekend with a tracker (I’ll have to make the ImageToProbe transformation), now I just want to make sure that I’m able to display the ultrasound image in the best way.
Thanks again for the response There is a lot of documentation and tutorials, but sometimes I can’t find the proper ones for my purposes.
If you only need the mask for real-time display then it’s even simpler: create a mask image, enable thresholding in Volumes module, and set up slice viewer layers to use the mask image as background and the ultrasound image as foreground image.