Metal artifact reduction (MAR) of CT development

I want to get the function of MAR
I have developed the MAR function in my end but it takes much time (30 mins)
I have used the 400 DICOM files for testing
I want to reduce running time from 30mins to 1 min
this is the code for 1 dicom file
it takes 25s to complete 1 file

def calc_mar1(self, shapes, image1):
    image = apply_voi_lut(image1, self.ds)
    tmp_image = image
    m = max(abs(np.min(image)),np.max(image))
    image = image + m
    omax = np.max(image)
    image = image / omax
    theta = np.linspace(0., 180., shapes[0], endpoint=False)
    sinogram = skimage.transform.radon(image, theta=theta, circle=True)
    if self.marthreshold > 0 :
      eff = self.marthreshold
      eff = 0.65
    th = 190 * eff
    sinogram[sinogram > th] =  th
    reconstruction_fbp = skimage.transform.iradon(sinogram, theta=theta, circle=True)
    tmp_image[tmp_image < tmp_image * 0.995 ] = 0
    scaled_img = self.ds.WindowWidth * reconstruction_fbp - self.ds.WindowCenter 
    scaled_img = scaled_img + (tmp_image / (np.max(tmp_image))) * self.ds.WindowWidth

I have the code for MAR using DICOM files
But it takes much time (25s for 1 file , 30 mins for 400 files)
So I want you to reduce running time from 30mins to 1 min

def calc_mar1(self, shapes, image1):

   image = apply_voi_lut(image1, self.ds)
   tmp_image = image
   m = max(abs(np.min(image)),np.max(image))
   image = image + m
   omax = np.max(image)
   image = image / omax
   theta = np.linspace(0., 180., shapes[0], endpoint=False)
   sinogram = skimage.transform.radon(image, theta=theta, circle=True)
   # print("Sinogram:===>")
   # print(np.max(sinogram))
   if self.marthreshold > 0 :
     eff = self.marthreshold
     eff = 0.65
   th = 190 * eff
   sinogram[sinogram > th] =  th
   reconstruction_fbp = skimage.transform.iradon(sinogram, theta=theta, circle=True)
   # delta = np.pi / shapes[0]
   # reconstruction_fbp = RLIRadonTransform(shapes[0], shapes[0] + 1, sinogram, delta)
   tmp_image[tmp_image < tmp_image * 0.995 ] = 0
   # print(window_width)
   scaled_img = self.ds.WindowWidth * reconstruction_fbp - self.ds.WindowCenter 
   scaled_img = scaled_img + (tmp_image / (np.max(tmp_image))) * self.ds.WindowWidth
   # print(self.tmpArray[index1])
def calc_mar1(self, shapes, image1):

    image = apply_voi_lut(image1, self.ds)
    tmp_image = image
    m = max(abs(np.min(image)),np.max(image))
    image = image + m
    omax = np.max(image)
    image = image / omax
    theta = np.linspace(0., 180., shapes[0], endpoint=False)
    sinogram = skimage.transform.radon(image, theta=theta, circle=True)
    # print("Sinogram:===>")
    # print(np.max(sinogram))
    if self.marthreshold > 0 :
      eff = self.marthreshold
      eff = 0.65
    th = 190 * eff
    sinogram[sinogram > th] =  th
    reconstruction_fbp = skimage.transform.iradon(sinogram, theta=theta, circle=True)
    # delta = np.pi / shapes[0]
    # reconstruction_fbp = RLIRadonTransform(shapes[0], shapes[0] + 1, sinogram, delta)
    tmp_image[tmp_image < tmp_image * 0.995 ] = 0
    # print(window_width)
    scaled_img = self.ds.WindowWidth * reconstruction_fbp - self.ds.WindowCenter 
    scaled_img = scaled_img + (tmp_image / (np.max(tmp_image))) * self.ds.WindowWidth
    # print(self.tmpArray[index1])

Probably it would be hard to improve the performance of radon/iradon CPU implementation in scikit-image. I would suggest to try a GPU implementation, such as this one (it seems that they provide source code, but I did not check what they provide exactly).

thanks for your great efforts
I am sorry but how can we get the solution for MAR in 3d slicer?
I can not see anything for this function now

You can run the code snippets above in Slicer’s Python console or you can put them in a Python scripted module.

If you want a GPU-accelerated radon transform then check if you can find such a Python package. If there isn’t any then you can use any C++ implementations of the radon transform that you find, by building Slicer and a C++ loadable module.