Can someone please explain how the SetSlabNumberOfSlices feature works for displaying MIPs as shown here:
I tried doing this to have the MIP cover just enough slices for the entire volume:
inputVolume = self.inputSelector.currentNode()
img = inputVolume.GetImageData()
rows,cols,slices = img.GetDimensions()
sliceNodeRed = slicer.mrmlScene.GetNodeByID('vtkMRMLSliceNodeRed')
appLogic =
sliceLogicRed = appLogic.GetSliceLogic(sliceNodeRed)
sliceLayerLogicRed = sliceLogicRed.GetBackgroundLayer()
resliceRed = sliceLayerLogicRed.GetReslice()
But that doesn’t appear to work as intended and I end up having to use a very large value for slab # of slices, like 600.
If I’m doing something similar for the yellow slice because I want to display sagittal MIPs, how would I set slab # of slices so that there is one sagittal MIP for the left half of the volume and another sagittal MIP for the right half?
Rohan Nadkarni