(jared manuel amudeo plaza)
January 8, 2023, 7:23pm
Hi! is there any way to work with a single layout (e.g. the green) in a drawing tablet (xp-pen artist 12 pro) and let the other like the red, yellow or the 3d view in the main monitor?.
(Andras Lasso)
January 10, 2023, 10:51pm
Multi-monitor support will be added in a few days. You can monitor the progress here:
← lassoan:multi-monitor-layout
opened 10:43PM - 10 Jan 23 UTC
Layouts can now contain multiple viewports. The default viewport is displayed as… the center widget of the application main window, additional Additional viewports can be independent top-level windows or docking windows.
Views can be maximized/restored separately in each viewport.
Currently, a single new dual-viewport layout is added: Dual Monitor Four-Up View
The pull request is set as "draft" because it requires merging of https://github.com/commontk/CTK/pull/1061 first.