N4ITK MRI Bias correction

Operating system: MacOSX Sierra
Slicer version: 4.6.2 r25516
Expected behavior: N4ITK bias correction output
Actual behavior: nothing

I’m a bit of a newbie to this GUI but I have used N3 bias correction before in linux and bash scripts etc. so I know what I want to do and what output I want to get it from it but…

So I’ve loaded my data in to the 3D slicer viewer, I’ve selected N4ITK MRI Bias correction in drop down.

I would like to apply this to the image I have loaded in the GUI but it just says “output volume” as does the next 3 drop down menus.

What I was then expecting would be an output of the corrected image and the bias field.

Feeling a bit of “numpty” can someone send me a “dummies guide” on how to get this module to work in this rather snazzy GUI


Hi Anna -

The panel should look something like below.

I just tested like this:

  • download MRHead from the SampleData
  • go to the N4ITK MRI Bias Correction module
  • for the Output volumes, pick Create New from the menu
  • select MRHead as the input
  • click Apply

(Note that in 4.6 there is a bug that resets the input volume after creating a new volume , which is why the input is selected last in the sequence above. In the recent nightly builds this issue is fixed).

