New Colorize Volume module

Just added to 3D Slicer 5.5 is the new Colorize Volume module! I tried it on a fully segmented rattlesnake skull with really nice results comparable to the expensive proprietary software VGStudio Max. I played around with the Volume Rendering settings, as well as Lights module (from the SandBox extension), and cropping to an ROI in the Volume Rendering module to bisect and view the inside of the skull. I am still exploring the various functions of this module but I am excited to see what else I can do with it.


@jaimigray these are gorgeous. Hope biologists trying to migrate away from proprietary software will find these inspirational.

This is a very new feature not completely test, with other extension. perhaps you can find the time to try with the Animator module of SlicerMorph, and see if the cropping other features within the animator works well to make mp4s of these.

Thanks for sharing.

To continue this thread, I would like to show you more rattlesnake images, this time I used to Colorize volume module to render the skull inside the transparent skin

Then I tried without the skull segment, using the whole volume to render the skull instead. This gave me control over the skull colormap.

Then a density colormap for fun!


Thanks for sharing, really nice!
(and kind of scary, too)

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Perfect for Halloween!


It looks astonishing. Could you please tell me how you did? Do you first run the Total segmentator module and then the Colorize volume?

You need a segmentation to work with Colorize Volume. You can run TotalSegmentator on one of the sample CT datasets from Slicer to obtain a segmentaiton and play with the module.

There is also a very short tutorial with self-contained data, if you want to give it a try:

Thank you very much, Sir.