Not able to build 3d slicer in my debian machine

I want to debug one of the module in 3d slicer. I tried to install 3d slicer as per the documentation mentioned in link below (section
Quick build on debian) Documentation/Nightly/Developers/Build Instructions - Slicer Wiki

But I am getting error like QTemporaryDir: No such file or directory.

Please find the attached snapshot of that error.

Can any please help me on how to fix this error.

I am using cmake version 3.13.3 and qmake --version is Qt version 4.8.7

Please let me know if you need any information.


Qt4 support is deprecated and will be removed soon on all platforms (if it has not been already since 4.10 – the docs may be outdated). So I suggest to build against Qt5.

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Agree. You need this:

cmake -DQt5_DIR:PATH=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/cmake/Qt5 <etc>
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