Operating system: Windows 7 Enterprise
Slicer version:4:11.0
I am not sure did my last question post correctly. It is my first time asking a question here, I douth it will be my last
I have a CT and Segmentation/Contour in .NRRD format
I have the same CT in Dicom format.
I want to get the segmentation/contour into Dicom format
When I load the CT and Segmentation/Contour in .NRRD format, the scale and orientation is off
I can fix the orientation by applying a flip transform
I am looking for a scale transform so that I can scale the CT + Segmentation/Contour by the same amount.
Appreciate any help. It looks like like the .nrrd files are scaled by a magnitude of 10 wrong. mm instead of cm.
Any help appreciated.