NRRD space tag not parsed

Is this expected? This is with r27390 on windows 10.

ReadImageInformation: Error reading C:/Users/amaga/Box Sync/PI_Murat/grant_proposals/Nsf_Informatics/data_dropbox/Chris.Percival/dont_work.nhdr:
[nrrd] nrrdLoad: trouble reading “C:/Users/amaga/Box Sync/PI_Murat/grant_proposals/Nsf_Informatics/data_dropbox/Chris.Percival/dont_work.nhdr”
[nrrd] nrrdRead: trouble
[nrrd] _nrrdRead: trouble reading NRRD file
[nrrd] _nrrdFormatNRRD_read: trouble parsing space info |“LPS”|
[nrrd] _nrrdReadNrrdParse_space: couldn’t parse space ““LPS””

This is the header.
type: short
dimension: 3
sizes: 622 642 1085
byteskip: 3195
data file: ./PERCIVAL_370.AIM
endian: big
encoding: raw
space: “LPS”
space directions: (0.02,0,0) (0,0.02,0) (0,0,0.02)

“LPS” is a valid NRRD tag. If I do something like this, it works fine:

type: short
dimension: 3
sizes: 622 642 1085
byteskip: 3195
data file: ./PERCIVAL_370.AIM
endian: big
encoding: raw
space dimension: 3
space directions: (-0.02,0,0) (0,-0.02,0) (0,0,0.02)

Do you actually have LPS in quotation marks: "LPS" instead of LPS?
What software was used to create this file?

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Yes, LPS was in the quotes. I just used a text-editor (notepad) to generate the header. I removed the quotes and it is working now.

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