NvidiaAIAssistedAnnotation plugin server failure

Hello, I was trying to use the NvidiaAIAssistedAnnotation plugin to segment brain arteries, but I got this following error:

I tried searching online, but I could not find a valid server link for the server. I read online that the plugin is no longer being developed, so could that be the reason it is down? Additionally, if it is down, is there any other ai assisted tools that I could use to extract the arteries from a brain MRA scan?

The program and the servers are no longer maintained by NVIDIA. Please use alternate tools like MONAILabel.

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Hello. I tried MONAILabel, but I am getting the same error with the server as seen here:

You should set up your own MONAILabel Server on the same computer or connect to a distant one you know it is running.

See here or find a full description on MONAILabels Github.

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