Philips 4D US Dicom Patcher stuck on large cartesian file (1.7GB)

Operating system:Win 11
Slicer version:5.6.2
Expected behavior: write the patched dicom, anonymized, of Qlab exported Dicom cartesian file that is 1.7GB
Actual behavior: Ran for 10 hours and still did not write the file. Works almost instantly for other files from same case, as large as 480MB.

If the difference is just that the recording is longer, then the patcher may still work but you may need to wait more, or use a computer with much more RAM.

If you can share an anonymized file (anonymize this image or acquire a long recording on a phantom or a bucket of water) and share it with us (upload to dropbox/onedrive/google drive and post the link here) then we can investigate.

I tried the preview MAC version on a system with a lot more RAM and it works perfectly! thank you

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