Operating system: Windows10
Slicer version:4.11.20200930
Expected behavior: NA
Actual behavior:NA
I would like to export the annotation co ordinates in a JSON/CSV/XML format containing the filename, label and co ordinate points. Please guide me on how to do it. I am new to this tool so kindly excuse.
Thanks for your response sir. Suppose I open a DICOM series say 1.dcm, 2.dcm and 3.dcm. And I annotate a ROI in 2.dcm. Then in the saved file I would like to have this filename as 2.dcm. By doing so when I annotate images in bulk say 50 or 100 DICOM files then I will know the corresponding images and csvs.
Do you annotate the images to generate training data for object detection, localization, or segmentation? What kind of annotations do you use?
Do you work with 2D or 3D images? A single 3D volume is usually made up of many DICOM files, so your annotation can spread over multiple files and/or may be between defined between two files.
How do you open the DICOM files? Do you use CaseIterator extension, load the images one by one, or do they show up as a sequence of images or as a 3D image stack?
I am not directly using DICOM for training purpose. I convert them to PNG and feed to my network. Also currently I am using only 2D DICOM images and not 3D.