Renaming fiducial control points in the slice view window


I am trying to automate the naming of the fiducial control points in the slice view window. The user selects the markup points. Now, I am able to rename the points in the data module. But the name remains the same in the slice window. I am aware that I can rename the points in the slice window by right clicking the repective fiducial point and then selecting the “rename the control point…” option. But I can’t find a way to automate this process. Any help is appreciated.


I have been able to move forward with the problem. The following line of code helps in renaming the point.


ALthough it renames the point, but it also adds a suffix to it. For example, I wanted the name to be ‘PSIS_L’, but it renames it to ‘PSIS_L-0’.

Does any one knows how I can use the Slicer functionality to rename it exactly as desired.