Resampling a 3D CT Image

By current spacing 720x720px so (720, 720, 4) ?

Hi Andras, I don’t need an exact output size, I’m just trying to work on getting my volume down to a smaller size so I can serve it across the internet. (Working with large datasets)

One method I haven’t tried yet which would I imagine help a lot is reducing the number of images in the z-plane, hence the above discussion.

So in summary my overall pipeline is to

  1. reduce number of images in the z-plane using above method
  2. crop the volume to just the region of interest
  3. rescale images to a more reasonable size (around 256x256 or 300x300 px)
  4. save as nrrd or mrda

and see where that gets me =)
PS I didn’t realise crop volume could also resize, any tutorials on using?