Despite compositing matrices is a really simple operation (you just have to get the order of the matrices right and invert them as needed), you may easily spend a couple of days figuring out the correct combination.
We’ve found that a very good way of getting the correct solution quickly is following these steps:
Define each coordinate system: what is the unit (mm, pixel, …), where is the origin, what are the coordinate system axis directions. It also helps if you draw a sketch of the origin position and axis directions relative to physical objects. See an example in Plus toolkit’s user manual.
Name each transformation as a transformation from coordinate system
as AToB (you may add Transform or Matrix suffix to make it even more clear that it is a transform). For example,SliceToRAS
is a well-defined transformation.newResliceMatrix
names are not usable because they don’t specify what coordinate systems they are transforming between and in what order. -
Create chain of matrices using the following rules:
- AToC = BToC * AToB
- AToB = inv(BToA)
Alternatively, in some simple cases when you need to place a slice view to a based on a position and a normal vector, you may also find vtkMRMLSliceNode::SetSliceToRASByNTP method useful. See how it is used for rotating slice views in ValveView module.
For real-time positioning of a slice view using a transform, use VolumeResliceDriver
module of SlicerIGT