Rotation of a CT image around the RT isocenter, in python

Hi all,
I am a 3D Slicer beginner, so please bear with me…

I have a CT image (in DICOM series format) used for radiation treatment planning. I wish to
read it, apply to it an arbitrary 3D rotation around the isocenter, then resave it as a DICOM series (to read it back into the TPS).
I wish to do it by python scripting (because I’ll have many different rotations to explore, so I want to automate the procedure).
I am learning by doing, because at present I don’t have much time to fully understand the software before starting coding.

By reading what I coud find in the Forum and in the documentation, I understood how to:

  1. prepare things:

    import argparse, sys, shutil, os, logging
    import vtk, qt, ctk, slicer
    import DICOMLib
    from DICOMLib import DICOMUtils

  2. parse the command line:

    def main(argv):
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=“to be done”)
    parser.add_argument("-i", “–input-folder”, dest=“input_folder”, metavar=“PATH”,
    default="-", required=True, help=“Folder of input DICOM files (can contain sub-folders)”)
    parser.add_argument("-o", “–output-folder”, dest=“output_folder”, metavar=“PATH”,
    default=".", help=“Folder to save converted datasets”)
    args = parser.parse_args(argv)
    if args.input_folder == “-”:
    print(‘Please specify input DICOM study folder!’)
    if args.output_folder == “.”:
    print(‘Current directory is selected as output folder (default). To change it, please specify --output-folder’)

  3. read the dicom series:"Import DICOM data from " + args.input_folder)
    DICOMUtils.importDicom(args.input_folder)“Load first patient into Slicer”)
    patient = slicer.dicomDatabase.patients()[0]

  4. Save as nnrd, which is not what I need, but it was at least a test that I was correctly reading the image and filling the right Slicer structures…

    node_key = ‘vtkMRMLScalarVolumeNode*’
    sv_nodes = slicer.util.getNodes(node_key)“Save image volumes nodes to directory %s: %s” % (args.output_folder, ‘,’.join(sv_nodes.keys())))
    for imageNode in sv_nodes.values():
    # Clean up file name and set path
    fileName = imageNode.GetName() + ‘.nrrd’
    charsRoRemove = [’!’, ‘?’, ‘:’, ‘;’]
    fileName = fileName.translate(None, ‘’.join(charsRoRemove))
    fileName = fileName.replace(’ ‘, ‘_’)
    filePath = args.output_folder + ‘/’ + fileName’ Saving image ’ + imageNode.GetName() + ‘\n to file <’ + filePath + ‘>’)
    # Save to file
    success = slicer.util.saveNode(imageNode, filePath)
    if not success:
    logging.error('Failed to save image volume: ’ + filePath)

  5. Get out:

except Exception, e:
print e

  1. Prepare “main” execution:

    if name == “main”:

My questions are:

  1. How do I apply the rotation transform?

  2. I imagine I can apply a chain of transforms, so I can translate the image so that the isocenter is in the axis origin, then rotate, than translate back: how to do it?

  3. How do I save the result as a DICOM series, by using the input DICOM series as a model (as to voxel/slice dimensions, and all the other relevant DICOM fields)?

Any hint, code snippets, link to relevant material, is really welcome.
Thank you very much.
PS sorry, after many tries, I am not succeeding in correctly formatting the code snippets… preformatted text does not give the desired result… indentation has totally gone…

Beginning to see something.
I applied some transformations this way:

vTransform = vtk.vtkTransform()
vTransform.Translate(-0.88, 35.4, 5.65)  # translate by -isocenter
vTransform.RotateX(30)  # The angle is in degrees
vTransform.Translate(0.88, -35.4, -5.65)

Now I have to interpret what I am seing, and check if this is what I am looking for…
Any help or comment are still very very welcome…!

I need to do the same as you. Do you know how to save the transformed scan? When I save the nrrd file for multiple rotations I get the same (presumably original) scan.

The rotation operation you performed only involves visual effects, while the actual DICOM image does not undergo any transformation. In ITK, this requires resampling to complete

Hey! I have been doing the same thing but instead of coding it using 3D slicer, I rotated the DCOM file using simpleITK, saved it as a nifti and have been using 3D slicer to view/ check my rotation was accurate. I think it works

Dear friends, before all thanks for your kind replies! Because of the long time elapsed, I had not realized that you had kindly replied! So excuse me and again thanks! I do not even remember if I solved somehow or if I gave up or used other tools (e.g. matlab). That said, thanks for your effort! Giorgio