I cannot reproduce this on Windows, using the latest Slicer Preview Release. Could you please upload the full application log somewhere (dropbox, onedrive, …) and post the link here? Thank you.
After further testing, it is related to SlicerEditor since the lines do not appear if SlicerEditor is not installed. I’ll use Slicer without this module as I’ve got another issue with it.
Thanks for reporting this issue. I think I found its source. This can quickly be resolved by removing the else statement in the method below, but I should investigate why this is being triggered when you are working in SegmentEditor.
These messages no longer appear in the Python console.
The code completion combobox appears nicely. However, every time it appears, the following is printed in the terminal where Slicer is launched (not Python console):
Running "json.dumps(list(globals().keys()))" result is "[\"__name__\", \"__doc__\", ... very loooooong list... \"json\"]"