Show volume rendered CT in VR

how did you use volume rendered CT to display in VR?
could you share the code? I like to give it a try.
to segment the CT is hard, I know someone with medical background and 3D printing skill can do it, but he is very expensive.

There is no code, you can do it very simply.

Start with 4.10.1, install SlicerVirtualReality from Extension Manager, show CT in 3D with the Volume Rendering module, (make sure beforehand that your VR headset is setup correctly and SteamVR installed), then click the VR headset icon in the toolbar and you will be able to see the CT in VR.

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Some further information:

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thanks, I will give it a try

I just did exactly as Csaba told you. Load a CT and then into volume rendering modules. Connect yout headset. Then run steam and steam VR. Click VR icon from slicer. Then in steam VR click display mirror so others can see on the monitor what you see in VR.
You cant display it as a hologram using windows mixed reality headset.
