Slicer constantly crashing, sometimes during save.

Slicer constantly crashing, sometimes during save. Sometimes, depsite a non-crash save, saved file will not load. I’ve attached two error messages that occurred during my attempt to load:

Info: In D:\D\P\Slicer-0\Libs\MRML\Logic\vtkArchive.cxx, line 35

vtkArchive Error: Unzip error: Inconsistent uncompressed size: 0 in central directory, 282334 in local header Error

Info: In D:\D\P\Slicer-0\Libs\MRML\Logic\vtkArchive.cxx, line 35

vtkArchive Error: Unzip error: Truncated ZIP file data Error

could not find mrml file in archive

Thousands of users test Slicer very extensively and we are not aware of any issues that would cause Slicer to crash - other than when you run out of memory.

Make sure the available memory (physical RAM + virtual memory size that you set in your system settings) is at least 10x larger than the size of the data set you load.

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Hi Andras,

Thanks for your quick reply. I am currently working with 128 GB RAM on a ~50 MB file. Virtual memory is automatically set, currently ~20 GB. Working in Slicer v 4.11.0-2020-03-15 (I was having more problems with v4.10).

I changed the Settings>Cache settings to 10,000 MB Cache size and 200 MB Cache free buffer. Changing this seemed to reduce crashing during saving of files.

However, I’m still having this issue: I will save a file, Close Scene, and attempt to Load that .mrb, and nothing will load. I will get the following three error messages:

(1) Debug Qt
Unpacking bundle “C:/Users/Alex James Major/Documents/SlicerSavedFiles/Lucky/Lucky_02252020_V4 Origin_laminar locations_rotated back to stereotax_specific areas_2.mrb” to “C:/Users/Alex James Major/AppData/Local/Temp/__BundleLoadTemp2020-03-18_15+21+16.480”

(2) Info VTK
Info: In D:\D\P\Slicer-0\Libs\MRML\Logic\vtkArchive.cxx, line 35
vtkArchive Error: Unzip error: Inconsistent uncompressed size: 0 in central directory, 312279 in local header Error

Info: In D:\D\P\Slicer-0\Libs\MRML\Logic\vtkArchive.cxx, line 35
vtkArchive Error: Unzip error: Truncated ZIP file data Error

(3) Error VTK
could not find mrml file in archive

Any information on how to proceed would be greatly appreciated. Do I need to adjust “GPU memory size”?

Thanks for your time,


Can you share an mrb file that you cannot load (upload somewhere and post the link here)?

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password: slicer

The file is corrupted (cannot even be unzipped).

Did you try to save the mrb file to a network drive, external drive, or some other special storage space?

Do you have plenty of space in your temporary folder (menu: Edit / Application settings / Modules / Temporary directory)?

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I’m saving to a folder in my C drive, which has over 220 GB of space. Temporary directory is also in C drive.

Can you reproduce the problem? Can you describe those steps?

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The next time this problem occurs I will try to copy/paste the log messages during the save. Thanks.

You can find logs of the last 10 sessions in menu: Help / Report a bug.

Hi Andras,

Thank you for your help, this issue is resolved.


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