interesting! google translator did reasonable job, but we might be lost in translation. we could contact the wechat community maintainer to make the tutorials available in English (only if both sites have the resource to do so).
I have a trouble to translate the word “Pivot calibration” to Chinese.Did you know what is the meaning of Pivot calibration in Chinese.
Your Sincerely
For English speakers who don’t have easy access to translation code here are the translated titles (not perfect translation, but you’ll get the idea). I have read several of these using the automatic translation in Chrome and they are quite readable. Very useful resources
Thank you @cyufu for these useful resources. We have forum members from more than 100 countries, but most of us only speak a few languages. Since a post is written once and read by up to a few thousand people, it is essential that the post’s writer provides the English translation (automatic translation is OK), as one minute of extra work from the writer saves tens of hours for readers. You can include the original language text as section that can be opened by clicking on it, for example:
[details="Original in Chinese"]
You can write the original text here...
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