Some SlicerRT tutorial links not working

I am very new to 3D Slicer and want to learn a little more about Slicer RT. I have been trying to work through this tutorial: SlicerRtDoc/tutorials/SlicerRT_Tutorial_IGRT_4.11.pptx at master · SlicerRt/SlicerRtDoc · GitHub
but can’t download any of the data here:
or here:

I’m also not sure how to download just the folder I want from this GitHub link SlicerRtData/eclipse-8.1.20-phantom-ent at master · SlicerRt/SlicerRtData · GitHub
I can only download the whole repository as a zip file, which still takes up a lot of space.

Please reply with updated links if there are any!

Right. Unfortunately I could not find this “day 2” data anywhere on my computers locally. Not sure if Kitware has a backup of this midas server, or if someone happens to have this data on their computer.

In any case this data was a somewhat random deformation of the planning (day 1) data, so it can be recreated if it is lost for good.

I don’t have the solution for this. Download the whole thing and delete what you don’t need. It’s 6GB, nothing unmanageable.

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