Support for 2D transforms?


#Insight Transform File V1.0
#Transform 0
Transform: AffineTransform_float_2_2
Parameters: 0.99985015 0.017311562 -0.017311562 0.99985015 -0.64851546 -0.7623114
FixedParameters: 0 0

when opened in Slicer, produces this non-sense:

Is this a known issue? Are there any plans to address it?

I suppose that converting these into a 3D affine might be useful in some cases. Otherwise just refusing to read them seems like an easy option.

Looks like this is being done implicitly in this code somewhere.

@dzenanz what happens in ITK if you try to read this 2D transform with a 3D transform reader?

Converting 2D transforms into 3D transforms would be quite useful (transformations in the 3rd dimension all identity/zero). And ideally, not just for affines but for displacement fields too.

try to read this 2D transform with a 3D transform reader

I assume it would crash as there are not enough parameters, or maybe because the transform name does not match the expectation.