Surface Toolbox of 3D Slicer do not work in Windows

How to use surface toolbox in 3d slicer in Windows? why it keeps giving this error: C:\Users\AppData\Local\\Slicer 5.6.2\bin\Python\slicer\ UserWarning: does not have observer
warn(“does not have observer”)
Can anyone please tell me if there is need for any installation or anything? if so, then how to do that?

I don’t think this error has anything to do with why Surface Toolbox does not work for you. Unfortunately this error appears no matter what, but it’s harmless.

Can you describe in detail how Surface Toolbox does not work? What you do exactly, what steps in what order, then what do you expect, and what happens instead?

Thanks Pinter for your help. After running this command line: slicer.util.pip_install(“pyacvd<0.3”), surface toolbox is working now.

@Puja_Ghosh How did you determine that you needed pyacvd<0.3?

Was it from this post? Or self-discovery?

Can you confirm that pyacvd==0.3.1 works successfully? That would be a follow up to the below post.

Based on this information maybe @mau_igna_06 or @lassoan could update the install version at:

Hi James,
I got this command from the post that you have shared and it worked successfully for me.

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Hi @jamesobutler

I’ve created a PR with the fix: BUG: fix uniform remesh not working by mauigna06 · Pull Request #69 · Slicer/SlicerSurfaceToolbox · GitHub

Have a great new year :slight_smile:

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