Synchronize display scale across slice viewers

is there a quick way to synchronize the zoom factor across slice viewers?

Yes. Long-click on slice view link icon and enable hot-linking. Maybe it only synchronizes views that have the same orientation. If this is the case then you may need to write a few-line Python script that observes zoom factor changes in slice views and adjusts zoom factor in all the others.

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Hi Andras,

Yes, that is correct.

Unfortunately, this is literally the first time ever I opened the Python interactor. But at least, some googling brought me this far, and it does what I want it to

redSlice ='Red').mrmlSliceNode()
yellowSlice ='Yellow').mrmlSliceNode()

redFOV = redSlice.GetFieldOfView()
yellowSlice.SetFieldOfView(redFOV[0], redFOV[1], redFOV[2])

However, it would be nice to not always have to call the zoom alignment manually. Is there some zoom change event to hook an observer to (in vtkCommand I could not find something that looked very promising, but maybe I just missed it)?

Thank you

Nice work! I’ve extended your example with slice node observers, which update field of view in all other slice nodes automatically when a slice node is changed: see complete script here.


Great, thank you @lassoan . That’s exactly what I was looking for.

I just added a tiny bit of additional functionality, namely to toggle zoomSync on and off.

slicer.updatingSliceNodes = False
slicer.zoomSync = False

slicer.sliceNodes = [
    for viewName in]

def sliceModified(caller, event):
    if slicer.updatingSliceNodes:
        # prevent infinite loop of slice node updates triggering slice node updates
    slicer.updatingSliceNodes = True
    fov = caller.GetFieldOfView()
    for sliceNode in slicer.sliceNodes:
        if sliceNode != caller:
    slicer.updatingSliceNodes = False

def toggleZoomSync():
    if slicer.zoomSync: 
        # zoom sync is on already, therefore observer function is alread hooked, should be unhooked
        for sliceNode in slicer.sliceNodes:
        slicer.zoomSync = False
        # zoom sync is off --> toogle to on (register observer function)
        for sliceNode in slicer.sliceNodes:
            sliceNode.zoomChangeObserverTag = sliceNode.AddObserver(vtk.vtkCommand.ModifiedEvent, sliceModified)
        slicer.zoomSync = True


After running this code snippet once, calls to


toggle slice zoom synchronization on/off.

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