TotalSegmentator for MRI dataset

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Dear lassoan,
I am new at this community, sorry if this question is answered another place. I wonder whether there is a way to use total_MR to segment the spinal canal and not only the structures around it? I am working on a project to segment and measure the volume of the spinal canal.

Hello from my side too!
I just found out about the existence of TotalSegmentator for MR specifically and it seems amazing and very promising!
I worked in the past with MONAI Label and I was quite satisfied with the results.

Was there any air segmentation in your training dataset?
I am wondering since the MR slices I am working on is 10 mm slice thickness so I guess the accuracy would be low, correct?

MR task of TotalSegmentator currently does not include airways, but if you exclude all known segmented regions then you may be able to segment the air using Threshold or with “Grow from seeds” effect.

Yes, 10mm distance between slices is so huge that it is not really usable for 3D analysis.