tractography single color tract not multi-color tract

Hi Slicer community,

We have been following multiple tutorials from Dr. Sonia Pujol on diffusion tractography including “Exploring Peritumoral White Matter Fibers for Neurosurgical Planning”, “Diffusion MRI Analsyis”, and “UKF Tractography Tutorial”. We are having issues with the visualization of the tracts.

This is the expected results from the “Exploring Peritumoral White Matter Fibers for Neurosurgical Planning” tutorial with different colors per single tract.

Our results, as seen in this screenshot, have one solid color per tract, instead of changing per direction as expected. For example, the end tips of the tracts near the green solid tumor should be yellow, but in our screenshot it is only green. We have been using the Slicer 4.10.2 on osx.

We are also having issues making the tracts thicker.
Any advice would be great, thank you!

Could you try if the current Slicer version (Slicer-5.2.2) works better?

HI @lassoan,

I am working in the @Nicholas.jacobson lab, we have done this successfully on 4.10.2 and 5.2.2. We are not getting the direct results from the tutorial of the directional coloring. Any thoughts to what might have changed? Could it be user error?
