Transforme segmentaion

Thank you very much now I find a way to manage with this problem.

my problem: Creating a segmentation dataset with CT has transformed. but Python cant read the CT transform and can only read raw CT.

so I solve it by creating an inverted transform segmentation.
for more details:

  • I have CT .dcm with transformed. and have segmentation nrrd.
  • Import segmentation as volume.
  • Clone transform form CT to segmentation volume.
  • Invert transform and Edit properties to apply to segmentation volume.
  • then “Harden transform” segmentation.
    and save it as dicom.

for the shape problem that will change I slove in Python (just cut it off):

# read dicom filse (CT, mask)
ct_image_array = readCT(dir_ct_paths[n])
label_image_array = readLabel(dir_label_paths[n])

# preprocess mass
label_image_array = label_image_array[:ct_image_array.shape[0], :512, :512]