UKFTractography not supported in newest release

The currently newest stable release 5.8.0 and preview release 5.9.0 for Windows do not support UKFTractography. I downloaded both versions and then downloaded extension SlicerDMRI, but I get the following error message: “slicerDMRI depends on the following extensions, which could not be found.” And there is no UKFTractography extension available.

However, I tried the older release 5.6.2 and this one has both SlicerDMRI and UKFTractography extensions.

Hopefully the new releases can be fixed.

I pinged some of the developers of the extension in another post but they have been unresponsive so far.

As it happens I just proposed a fix earlier today: COMP: fixes for Slicer 5.8 (cxx 17) by pieper · Pull Request #165 · pnlbwh/ukftractography · GitHub

If all goes well it should be in the stable and preview extensions in the next day or so.

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Looks like UKF is working again. It would be great if people could test and report back if there are any issues. @fraslau